Please make an effort to make it to training this week. Numbers were low last Tuesday, and absolutely dismal on Thursday. With another big home game this weekend, it is important that we get as many numbers as we can out to train together this week and gel as a team.
SECOND: Team and USAFL Dues
If you have not already, it is very important that you pay your second half of the season dues ($50). You can pay via PayPal, which is accessible thru the "Payments" tab at www.sandiegolions.com. You can also deliver cash or check to Jimbo, or Jeffo.
Also, please pay your USAFL dues. Our game results--and qualification for Nationals--is not considered official until everyone who is planning to go to Nats has registered and paid their dues. This could affect our divisional standing and seeding at Nationals, which is coming up very soon! USAFL dues are currently $75, but will go up to $100 on September first. They will be even higher if you wait to pay until you get to the tournament.
Register and pay your nationals dues at this link.
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